Forum Discussion

khollandervrzw's avatar
Copper Contributor
May 13, 2020

Microsoft Teams cache in a non-persistent environment

Hi all,


My name is Koen and I am working with Microsoft Teams in a Dutch government organization. We like to offer our staff the ability to work from home, especially during the COVID-19 crisis. 


We already have enrolled Microsoft Teams in our desktop (it came out of nowhere and we are replacing the default web-downloader with the MSI file)


For the record: We are using a non-persistent environment with VMWare Horizon Client and thin clients in the office, and mostly the web client when users are working from home.


All of our users are having a profile where we store the temp files like caches and stuff. Also %AppData% is located in that profile. This data is presistent and will be availible on every boot, when they authenticate. But, we are looking for a way to change the Microsoft Teams cache location. We have limited disk space on the 'profile' disk. 


The problem is, that Microsoft Teams uses the folder %AppData%\Microsoft\Teams\Service Worker\CacheStorage as location of some caching files. The size of the folder is at least 200MB, and some other users are having a folder with at least 500MB cache. 


We have 200+ users, so when I calculate this ( 200(users)x200(MB) : 40.000MB/40GB for only the smallest caches. And the profile disk is only 100GB (for example)


This is why we want to replace (or totally disable) the cache.


I already looked in the newest Administrative Templates (for Office 365, 2016 and 2019) and the desktop-config.json - but I can't find the right way to do this.


Does anyone know how to solve this issue?

  • BOOZy1's avatar
    Copper Contributor
    Four years late but still might be useful for others.
    I solved the issue by creating symlinks to folders outside of the profile for
    1 - %appdata%\Teams
    2 - %appdata%\Microsoft\Teams
    With a bit of creativity you can do this with a login script like:
    1- Check if new destination exist, if yes skip
    2 - Move above folders to new location
    3 - Create symlinks
  • khollandervrzw 


     you need to exclude folders from roaming profile:


    Application Data\Microsoft\Teams\Application Cache

    Application Data\Microsoft\Teams\Cache

    Application Data\Microsoft\Teams\blob_storage

    Application Data\Microsoft\Teams\databases

    Application Data\Microsoft\Teams\Indexeddb

    Application Data\Microsoft\Teams\Local Storage

    Application Data\Microsoft\Teams\tmp

    Application Data\Microsoft\Teams\Service Worker\CacheStorage

    Application Data\Microsoft\Teams\Service Worker\ScriptCache
