Forum Discussion

morusupallihari's avatar
Copper Contributor
Nov 23, 2020

Microsoft teams app is incompatible on Samsung galaxy(GT-P5113) . Android Version 4.2.2

Dear Team,   I am using samsung tab 10.1 version . The device model number is GT-P5113 . This is running android version 4.2.2. When i go to google store to download microsoft teams app , it says a...
  • Tomas_S's avatar
    Nov 24, 2020


    Unfortunately Android 4.2.2 is not supported
    "Hardware requirements for Teams on mobile devices

    You can use Teams on these mobile platforms:

    • Android: Compatible with Android phones and tablets.

      Support is limited to the last four major versions of Android. For example, when a new, major version of Android is released, the Android requirement is the new version and the three most recent versions that precede it."
