Forum Discussion
Mac Teams Client - Main Teams window stops displaying after a few days
- _Diba_Oct 20, 2020Copper Contributor
Hi, Peter
Mac OS is 10.15.7
Microsoft Teams was - now
For essentials like OS and Office related things my machine is controlled from my university's IT department, so many updates are forced... i.e. I assume managed deployment of Teams, and that it is part of the Office 365 we all have to use, but actually I don't know.
In addition, all IT managed machines come with a preinstalled "software center" (a Google/Fabric/Jamf thingy) we are supposed to use for SW downloads. Here I spotted a Teams SW too - apparently not previously installed as it read "Install" (I must have obtain the Teams version instance via other means, which I regreattably don't recall). And so I installed this to see of it was a newer version (Software Center had no information on version number).
All in all, I will have to wait a day or two to tell you if the problem persists.
I sorry to exhibit such bad debugging behaviour... 😔
- PeterRisingOct 20, 2020MVP
This is a really detailed explanation - thank you. Not bad debugging at all!
So your Mac is bang up to date, I have Teams version
Have you talked to your IT Team about the issue? Could be something else on the Mac is causing the issues perhaps.
- _Diba_Oct 28, 2020Copper Contributor
PeterRising I have just realised that unfortunately the problem still persists - despite my is Teams (it was updated on 23/10/2020, i.e. three days after our last interaction).
I haven't involved my IT team yet. Partly because I prefer to talk F2F, which I can't right now (I work from home due to corona restrictions), partly because I have other challenges with my Mac, that I would rather prioritise (challenges I am also hesitant to talk to my IT team about - they are pretty Windows-centric 😁).
I suppose I jumped into this discussion just looking for a "quick fix" if there happened to be one - which doesn't seem to be the case. So, I guess I will just live with this mildly irritating phenomenon 😜
Thanks for taking an interest 🙏🏻