Forum Discussion
Licensing required for Direct Routing
Andrew Hodges My firm has Office 365 business edition. We are on Teams using the MS calling plan at the moment. We are looking to use a external SBC vendor to bring in our current DID's from our original voice carrier. All firm users will eventually want to use their current office line within Team vs the MS calling plan and assigned number. I was informed that we need to make sure all users have the E3 or E5 license with direct routing. I'm trying to find how and where to add that license to each of our users. Would you happen to know or have traveled down this road before?
Not sure if your requirement still persists as you have enquired in the month of May.
I represent VIVA Communications, a Class A ITSP.
We offer DRaaS (Direct Routing as a Service) with required MS Certified SBC.
you can reach me at email address removed for privacy reasons, mobile : +91 9884874277