Forum Discussion

heliroro's avatar
Copper Contributor
May 30, 2023

How to disable SignOut-button on a YeaLink shared device phone registered on MS SIP Gateway?

We intend to install plenty such phones in a production area, but as anyone passing by can just simply press "SignOut" and therefore leave the phone "useless" on the wall, it's hindering us from deployment.  Any idea if and when that feature could possibly be available?

Thanks, Helmut, Switzerland

  • Hi,

    Can you login to the Web UI for the device and see if you can customize the same. That is something I can think off. This would require discussion with the OEM for the modification in the Key Controls.

    With Regards,
    Satish U
    • JustinOLeary's avatar
      Copper Contributor


      If you log into the phone via HTTP. Go to Utilities and click on Soft Key Configuration you should see the option to remove/delete the sing out button and click save. It should work. It worked for me. 
