Forum Discussion

Jun_Cho2455's avatar
Copper Contributor
Feb 25, 2022

File sharing with annonymous during video meeting


Does anyone know if it works below? 


We disabled Teams option that “annoymous can join the meeting” because it may cause data leakage during Video conference with external resources.

Also our Onedrive / Sharepoint file sharing policy is that “Allowing file sharing at the organization level” so we restrict external file sharing.

but As far as I know, Teams file sharing is based on Onedrive and Sharepoint policy

if we enable “Annoymouse can join the meeting” option,In this case, our employees won't be able to share confidencial files to annoymouses during the video meeting. is this correct?

Could you please provide us some clue or simulation result saying that It is true? I would like to have clear evidence

it would be great if I can find an official answer from Microsoft.

Thank you for your help.

  • Jun_Cho2455 Hello, if allowing external sharing your users will be able to use this dialog box in the meeting chat with anonymous users. For example, they can choose "People currently in this chat" or "Specific People" to share an attachment with a secure link. Depending on your config the experience will differ. I.e. using SharePoint external sharing OTP or Azure AD EOTP or Azure AD EOTP + B2B SharePoint & OneDrive integration.



  • Jun_Cho2455 Hello, if allowing external sharing your users will be able to use this dialog box in the meeting chat with anonymous users. For example, they can choose "People currently in this chat" or "Specific People" to share an attachment with a secure link. Depending on your config the experience will differ. I.e. using SharePoint external sharing OTP or Azure AD EOTP or Azure AD EOTP + B2B SharePoint & OneDrive integration.



  • Yes, sharing a file in a chat meeting should honor the sharing policies configured at the SharePoint Online and OneDrive level
