Forum Discussion
Farhad Mazlumi
Feb 19, 2020Brass Contributor
Export the list of team members
I wonder how I can export the list of members of a team to an excel or csv file. When there are some assignments, there is an export option in Grades tab and I can delete the extra columns; but I do ...
- Feb 19, 2020PowerShell
Hope that answers your question!
Best, Chris
Sep 10, 2020Copper Contributor
Farhad Mazlumi
In the Grades section (education) you can download a CSV document with all members
Nov 30, 2020Copper Contributor
UXjoelplasWhen I asked my question, there was no grades tab in Microsoft Teams. But exporting the list of grades may be the best answer to my question these days.
It is noted that there is no grades tab in teams other than Class Teams.