Forum Discussion

standenman's avatar
Copper Contributor
Jul 15, 2023

Choosing Teams

I am considering a move the Office365 to manage my legal practice.  Currently I use MD Access as a database.  I communicate with clients via phone, email and chat on google voice.  I store client documents on onedrive.  So everthing is spread out.  My goals are pretty simple: I would like all client data together, for example when I get a phone call from a client and have to run to email and then to google to "remember" where we are!  I also need to gather data from clients via forms, and track the status of all cases.  I want to use power automate to mechanize case steps.  I would like to "feed" clients tailored information based upon their case's status, or based upon what information they may have received from the government on their case.  So for example, if our case status shows we just received a denial, their site access would offer a video and what happens next. 


I would also like to get set up to use virtual assistants to manage certain cases and certain steps on the cases.  I was initially looking at sharepoint - a hub and spoke arrangement, and then started seeing info about Teams.


And I guess my threshold question: can I reproduce the portal aspect with my clients by creating a team of me and my client?  And in that way, control my client's access to information?

  • LeonPavesic's avatar
    Silver Contributor

    Hi standenman,


    If you're considering moving your legal practice to Office 365, it can help you achieve your goals of centralizing client data and streamlining communication. Here are some options which Office 365 can assist you with:

    1. Centralize client data: You can use SharePoint Online to create a central document repository on OneDrive, making it easy to store and access client documents in one place.

    2. Microsoft teams communication: Microsoft Teams allows you to create a team for each client, providing channels for phone calls, chats, and file sharing. This way, all client communication is organized and accessible in one platform.

    3. Gather data via forms: With Microsoft Forms, you can easily create customized forms to collect information from clients. The data can be integrated with other Office 365 applications for tracking and analysis.

    4. Track case status and automate workflows: Microsoft Power Automate lets you automate repetitive tasks and track case status. You can set up workflows to trigger notifications or actions based on specific events, improving case management efficiency.

    5. Tailored client information: You can create dedicated sites or channels in SharePoint or Teams to provide tailored information to clients based on their case status. This ensures clients receive the relevant resources and updates they need.


    Regarding your question about reproducing the portal aspect, you can create a team with you and your client in Teams. This allows you to control access to information and collaborate effectively within a secure environment.

    By leveraging Office 365 tools like SharePoint, Teams, Power Automate, and Forms, you can simplify your legal practice management, consolidate client data, and improve communication and collaboration with clients and virtual assistants.

    A lot of companies are using these options, I recommend you consider investiing in Microsoft 365 products.

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    Kindest regards,

    Leon Pavesic
