Forum Discussion

hushkin's avatar
Copper Contributor
Dec 09, 2019

Authentication Teams App data installer vs Machine Wide Installer



I am trying to deploy MS Teams in a VDI environment (Citrix 7.15u4).


To install Teams on our master image I'm using the following command: 

msiexec.exe /i c:\Teams_windows_x64.msi /l*v c:\Teams_windows_x64.log ALLUSER=1 /qn.


Using this it installs without error in the machines Progam Files. Deployed the new version the master image in our test machine catalog after that. When a user logs on to the test machine, MS Teams opens up, asks the user to "enter your work, school or Microsoft account".


The user' UPN is automatically filled in. Unfortunately the user's UPN is not the same as his/her e-mailaddress in our environment. 


UPN: user1@contoso.local


Users are confused and calling the servicedesk for assistance because on clicking "Next" it says that no account exists for user1@contoso.local. When they enter their e-mailadddress, Teams asks for the password (Tenant ADFS page). When they enter the password, Teams logs on without further issue. All settings are saved in the user profile and on next logon Teams logs in automatically.


I have noticed that when I just install the Teams.exe (non Machine Wide) installer it does not ask for the user's e-mailaddress, nor for the password in the next window. SSO takes care of everything, seamless logon proces.


We want to deploy it as part of the master image in order to reduce the bloat in the user profile.


Any ideas to why the Machine Wide installer does not use SSO?

