Forum Discussion

aarohbits's avatar
Iron Contributor
Aug 17, 2021

Assigning custom Teams polices for all users

Hi All, 


I have set up a couple of custom polices for one the clients. 


It includes

  • Custom Meeting Polices   
  • Custom Live Event Polices   
  • Custom Messaging Polices
  • Custom App Polices

The Custom policies for internal users (M365 License users) and one policy for externals users (guest access). 


Question: Which is best way to apply custom polices for 600 internal users (M365 License users) 


  1. Does assign Teams policies by group 
  2. use PowerShell as batch process, New-CsBatchPolicyAssignmentOperation 

Please advice.

TonyRedmond ChristianBergstrom jcgonzalezmartin 



  • I noticed you @mentioned my previous account. For the record you cannot assign Teams policies to guest users. You can only configure the Org-wide -> Guest access settings. You can determine how meetings deal with anonymous or external users, for example, but not assign the policies directly to the external users. It's simply not supported.
    • aarohbits's avatar
      Iron Contributor

      Oh Thank you  ChristianJBergstrom


      I was not aware we cant have custom policy for Guest users. Thanks for sharing your valuable insights! 🙏  

    • aarohbits's avatar
      Iron Contributor

      Thank you so much jcgonzalezmartin for your super quick reply.  

      Thanks for highlighting the precedence mechanism.  

      • TonyRedmond's avatar
        I am always happy to answer a question I am mentioned in after the questioner has searched to see if I have written about the topic. In this case, you could search for "teams bulk assignment tony Redmond" and then ask if you don't understand something I said.
