Forum Discussion

Lefty2270's avatar
Copper Contributor
Apr 08, 2024

app bar issues



I have attempted to publish a power app to Teams app bar, both as a normal user and as the Teams Admin, but I am not seeing the icon to the app in the apps bar, have waited over 2 days.


I was able to see the request as a normal user in the admin center, and approve it. I then created a policy via setup policies, as I want the app to only display for selected users (I know the app will be available to all the users in the org if they click on all apps and shared with your org, but I think there is no other way), but the app hasnt shown up. The poilcy is visible in the admin center, I can see the app as published, when I go to Teams apps, Manage apps, and search for the app, it shows Published, and also shows Allowed in the status.

On top of the app not displaying in the app bar, I do not see it in the MS teams app either, even if i click Apps, and click Build for your organisation



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