Forum Discussion
When will Microsoft Forms be finalized
- Jul 08, 2017
Although in the IT world one can never be sure, Microsoft has a current focus of Cloud first, mobile first. All their efforts are focussed in this direction. All of their products which conform to this, I believe, are relatively safe for the long term, especially where there is no duplication or large overlap with another offering. Although there may be overlap between Forms and other offerings, Forms is the newer and more actively developed offering.
Microsoft has put a significant amount of effort into Forms. It has been around for a while now, but until recently, was only available to education tenants. Since around June 15, 2017 Forms is now also available to business tenants, noted as a preview. Microsoft is expanding Forms availability, therefore I don't think they are going to scrap it anytime soon.
Agreed Dean_Gross. Changes such as Forms being available, turned on and licensed to users in a tenant, then mysteriously unavailable. I had it working, the tile was available. Now the tile has gone and I can't access it via the direct link to
John Toews, can you shed some light on the rollout? Is it being retracted from some tenants / regions?
- darrellaasJul 22, 2017MVPJohn Liu helped me discover the issue. If your tenant uses First Release for a select group rather than for the whole organisation, Forms Preview will be unavailable. I had turned on First Release for a select group to hurry the SharePoint Communications site rollout. This "turned off" the Forms Preview that was working in my tenant.
- John ToewsJul 24, 2017MicrosoftYes you figured it out, sorry about the confusion, we've only launched to "first release entire organization" tenancies.
- Matt CoatsJul 25, 2017Steel Contributor
Has this changed already? My org is signed up to see applications in preview, but we don't have anyone in First Release and we just found access to Microsoft Forms today.