Forum Discussion
Upload attachment unavailable for Pro-Survey but available for regular form
So the reason that FormsPro doesn't have file upload is the same reason that basic Forms open to anyone to reply doesn't .. to prevent unauthorized users from uploading trojan files to your environment.
Here is what I do...
I chain to a regular forms survey that all it does is file upload but the trick is that this will still only work if you are targeting authenticated users on your network.
You can set up a chain in the branching rules for a FormsPro survey. The trick is to use the URL of the upload form and not try to find it from the forms list provided. That list is only other FromsPro surveys attached to your account.
So its:
FormsPro Survey (Foo) >> Forms Survey URL (File Upload for Foo)
There is a downside to this though. The files uploaded are detached from the original survey and only related by the name of the uploader that is appended to the file name.
So this solution only works in limited cases. For us, it works because...
- I want the improved formatting and branching rules of FormsPro and none of the invite/marketing stuff.
- All of my forms are used from internal authentication