Forum Discussion
How to find out who created a form
- Jan 03, 2022
Jason_B1025 I was able to get the ID of the user with a bit of a hack. Here are sample steps:
-Access the form using this designer direct URL<YourFormID>
-Inspect the network traces. You will find a request similar to this'v4j5cvGGr0GRqy180BHbR1ccNeVH0Y5Bias6PVDCNbZUOUg4TkZJUEswSVQ1ODhNNkpHVVlMMldPTi4u')?$select=id,...
-The ID in bold is the AAD ID of the user
-Use Graph Explorer - Microsoft Graph to run this request to retrieve the username and email address of the owner<UserID>
toszypul ... how do you know what the form ID is when you only have a html link to display it?
arthur26... The ID is the long value right after "FormID=" in the html link, but if you are not sure where it stops, you can get the ID by clicking Share on the form (if you are the owner/creator), then copy/paste the value to a note editor, there you would see the ID aftger "ResponsePage.aspx?id=". Hope this helps.