Forum Discussion

rward_bha's avatar
Copper Contributor
Jun 09, 2021

Generate Form sections as a result of a question response

Hi All


I have an Equipment Loan form that has multiple sections to fill out, but only section one can be filled at a time, dependent on what equipment is selected at the start (not everyone gets all equipment).


Of course, there are cases where people have more than one type of equipment, so I have a question at the end that allows you to loop back and fill out the other sections.  It's not pretty. in my opinion and branching lets me do all this, but it's not intuitive to the more challenging users - and lets face it we are trying to make life simple for them.  So, is there a way I can I do this better? Can I select multiple options at the start and then form is dynamically created and those sections are included in the form, or do I do it in Power Automate, adding Forms together depending on what is selected in question 1?


Sorry if that doesn't make much sense..

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