Forum Discussion

Alasdair Hughes's avatar
Alasdair Hughes
Copper Contributor
Aug 09, 2017

Form data location

Hi there,


Where does forms store the Excel sheet where responses are saved to? We're looking to analyse results directly from the sheet on O365 rather than the 'Open in Excel' option - is it possible to change which sheet data is written to from Forms?

  • paudelanil5741's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Alasdair Hughes 

    If you create the forms for excel from one drive for business you can easily access excel file from your OneDrive. if you create directly you have to access it only from response tab.

  • Hi Alasdair, thanks for the question. There isn't a way to change which excel sheet the responses are saved to, however this is a great question. We'll add this to the list of work to look into. Thank you!
    • Didier MAIGNAN's avatar
      Didier MAIGNAN
      Brass Contributor

      Hi Si

      You did not answer to question 1 : where is the excel file store exactly ? I did not built it myself, and I cannot find it : when 1 click on Excel icon, this download to my desktop

      thx in advance

      Si Meng 
