Forum Discussion
Create workflow from Microsoft Form
I'm looking to allow an MS Form submission to generate a new task in either Planner or Project, and then have that displayed on a tab under a Teams channel.
Next level: I would like the task name to be the answer to a specific question from the MS Form submission...
- RobElliottSilver Contributor
zacaum you can create a task in Planner from a form submission as follows:
In order to add the task description you need to add a delay then add the update task details. The delay is necessary otherwise the actions happen so fast that the update task action doesn't find the task:
Then you can create a channel in your Teams team. You can't create a tab, it has to be a channel.
Los Gallardos
Microsoft Power Automate Community Super User- CarlosAndresMarinCopper ContributorHello there, I found this post very usefl but What if given certain answer on one question of the form I would require that the task is created on certain bucket?
I would appreciate your guidance- RobElliottSilver Contributor
CarlosAndresMarin then you would need to add a Switch action that looks at just that question. In "case" the answer is A you would add the action to add the task to bucket A, in case the answer is B you would add the task to bucket B and so on.
Los Gallardos
Microsoft Power Automate Community Super User