Forum Discussion

mwhvt's avatar
Copper Contributor
Nov 28, 2019

Branching Option Not Available in My Form

I am trying to setup a short quiz with 4 questions that is using Branching.  This is for a on-line class.  Here is some of the information concerning the form:

  • Created using New Quiz
  • It has 4 multiple choice questions
  • The questions are all single answer (Multiple answer is turned off)
  • The Show Results Automatically option is turned off in settings

I have tried to use the New Form option and to create simple two question forms.  


See screenshots



  • Damien_Rosario's avatar
    Silver Contributor

    Hi mwhvt 


    I've visited your form and I have the branching option available.



    Have you tried a different web browser to see if that fixes the issue?


    In the meantime, I can set your Branching for you if you want to tell me the combos? At least it'll get your form working 🙂




    • mwhvt's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      I was originally working in Chrome, but also tried to use Microsoft Edge. The problem exists when using both browsers.

      Thank you for your kind offer to make the changes for me, but that will not be necessary. This form was an assignment for an on-line course on Microsoft Forms. I had turned in my work with a description of the problem and received credit for the course.

      I tried a second laptop and it is not displaying Browsing either. However, I did find it, but in another location. It was not in the upper left hand corner, but rather on the ellipsis (…) at the bottom of the question next to the Required selection. (Shuffle Options | Drop Down | Math | Subtitle | Add Branching). I don't have the option to add a screenshot.

      Thanks again for your help and have a very Happy Thanksgiving!
      • Damien_Rosario's avatar
        Silver Contributor

        Hi mwhvt 


        Glad to hear things went well with your assignment and that you eventually found the option, albeit in a different place to where it usually is.


        Hope everything goes well for you in the future!


        Cheers and best wishes

