Forum Discussion
Jan 07, 2019Copper Contributor
100 question Limit
I've been working on a Microsoft form to act as a handover sheet internally, I have over 200 questions I need to put on it and once I reached 100 realised there was a limit. Is there anyway round thi...
Jan 10, 2019Silver Contributor
Hi amyalice07
In addition to the above suggestions, you could also try splitting the questions across two forms, and linking the two forms together in Microsoft Forms by providing a URL to form two in the customised message when they finish form one.
It could be something like:
You have completed part one of the form. When ready please click the link below to begin part two.
The side benefit to this workaround is that 200 questions is a lot to do so breaking up the form gives the responder a bit of a breather (in my opinion).
Best wishes with your Form!
P.S. ChrisWebbTech, congrats on your MVP! Well deserved!