Forum Discussion

hughhamill's avatar
Copper Contributor
Oct 11, 2023

Getting duplications of appointments in a lot of services

Please help! I've been trying to solve this issue for an age but just can't seem to. I set up several services and every so often they are duplicated, as in the image attached. I think this must have something to do with staff assigned. Sometimes it creates a new booking for the exact same time and randomly puts new customers onto it and it will assign a staff member who is within the booking page but not assigned within that service. Also, what is the difference between the two staff options: Assign any of your staff and assign all of your staff??

Photo One: Shows me as the staff member assigned but it is choosing Thomas as the staff for the event. 

Photo Two: Again showing only me assigned

Photo Three: Showing the duplicates it has created. 


  • jcarballo1993's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    I am having the same issue for 2 onths now. I deleted the old service and created a new one. Let's see if that solves the issue...hughhamill 

    • hughhamill's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      hey. yeah i would say that for a couple of services i just started again but mainly the problems were around some of check boxes acting in ways i wouldn't expect them to. really experiment with the 'events in calendar affect availability' and the business hours info and the working hours of wach staff. everything seemed to have an impact on the end calendar. good luck! jcarballo1993 
