Forum Discussion
Office Applications Closing/Crashing at Random
We have a pretty widespread issue with Office applications crashing/closing at random. The application will close without warning or any error message popping up and does not re-open. You have to manually re-launch the application.
This is spread across computers running both Windows 7 and Windows 10 and all are running Office version 1808 from the Semi-Annual Channel.
Most users that are reporting this are experiencing this in Outlook, considering it is most commonly used. Since issuing an Incident at our company we have learned this is also extending to Word, Powerpoint and others.
We have found that running an Office Repair can alleviate the issue but considering how widespread the issue is, we are looking to see if there is a centralized way to fix this.
Is anyone experiencing this issue? I can't seem to find any threads from others on this but this seems to have popped up within the past few weeks and has progressively become more widespread.
- ewatson807Copper Contributor
Jon Ostroushko, according to Microsoft, this is a known bug within MECM and it was introduced when upgrading to release 2111 (but it could have been introduced in release 2107, which we never went to) -- my organization upgraded in March of 2022 to release 2111, and we began receiving reports of running applications just closing (not just Office apps)...we finally tracked down the Event Details you describe, and ultimately reproduced the problem on-demand...unfortunately, once we opened a case with Microsoft, they didn't have good news for us; they acknowledged the issue to be a bug with no ETA on when they'd be able to fix...only that it would be fixed in a future release. So to battle this, we had to change all of our "Required" deployments with executables listed under "Install Behavior" to only install when no user is logged in.
Fast forward to November of 2022, we decided to see if upgrading to release 2207 would resolve the problem; but that only made things worse -- with this release, now any superseded application that was configured in the current application you were deploying, if installed on targeted PC; any executables listed under "Install Behavior" would force close, even if you had only install when no user is logged on...the PC wasn't even attempting to install the new application, it was attempting to uninstall anything superseded by the new app -- so now we have to take another drastic approach, and unconfigure any "Install Behavior" executables in all currently deployed applications if Supersedence is configured for said app as well. Thankfully, I modified a SQL query I found to pull up to 6 executables configured under "Install Behavior" for all applications in our database (below).
This second case we opened is still going, I'm not letting Microsoft close it until they give me an ETA on when the bug is going to be fixed.
SQL Query to preserve any executables configured under "Install Behavior"
A.[App Name],max(A.[DT Name])[DT Title],A.Type,A.InstBehavior1,A.InstBehavior2,A.InstBehavior3,A.InstBehavior4,InstBehavior5,InstBehavior6,A.PostInst
,A.ContentLocation ,A.InstallCommandLine,A.UninstallCommandLine,A.ExecutionContext,A.RequiresLogOn
from (
SELECT LPC.DisplayName [App Name]
,(LDT.SDMPackageDigest.value('(/p1:AppMgmtDigest/p1:DeploymentType/p1:Title)[1]', 'nvarchar(max)')) AS [DT Name]
,LDT.SDMPackageDigest.value('(/p1:AppMgmtDigest/p1:DeploymentType/p1:Installer/@Technology)[1]', 'nvarchar(max)') AS [Type],LDT.SDMPackageDigest.value('(/p1:AppMgmtDigest/p1:DeploymentType/p1:Installer/p1:CustomData/p1:InstallProcessDetection/p1:ProcessList/p1:ProcessInformation/@Name)[1]', 'nvarchar(max)') AS [InstBehavior1]
,LDT.SDMPackageDigest.value('(/p1:AppMgmtDigest/p1:DeploymentType/p1:Installer/p1:CustomData/p1:InstallProcessDetection/p1:ProcessList/p1:ProcessInformation/@Name)[2]', 'nvarchar(max)') AS [InstBehavior2]
,LDT.SDMPackageDigest.value('(/p1:AppMgmtDigest/p1:DeploymentType/p1:Installer/p1:CustomData/p1:InstallProcessDetection/p1:ProcessList/p1:ProcessInformation/@Name)[3]', 'nvarchar(max)') AS [InstBehavior3]
,LDT.SDMPackageDigest.value('(/p1:AppMgmtDigest/p1:DeploymentType/p1:Installer/p1:CustomData/p1:InstallProcessDetection/p1:ProcessList/p1:ProcessInformation/@Name)[4]', 'nvarchar(max)') AS [InstBehavior4]
,LDT.SDMPackageDigest.value('(/p1:AppMgmtDigest/p1:DeploymentType/p1:Installer/p1:CustomData/p1:InstallProcessDetection/p1:ProcessList/p1:ProcessInformation/@Name)[5]', 'nvarchar(max)') AS [InstBehavior5]
,LDT.SDMPackageDigest.value('(/p1:AppMgmtDigest/p1:DeploymentType/p1:Installer/p1:CustomData/p1:InstallProcessDetection/p1:ProcessList/p1:ProcessInformation/@Name)[6]', 'nvarchar(max)') AS [InstBehavior6]
,LDT.SDMPackageDigest.value('(/p1:AppMgmtDigest/p1:DeploymentType/p1:Installer/p1:CustomData/p1:PostInstallBehavior)[1]', 'nvarchar(max)') AS [PostInst]
,LDT.SDMPackageDigest.value('(/p1:AppMgmtDigest/p1:DeploymentType/p1:Installer/p1:Contents/p1:Content/p1:Location)[1]', 'nvarchar(max)') AS [ContentLocation]
,LDT.SDMPackageDigest.value('(/p1:AppMgmtDigest/p1:DeploymentType/p1:Installer/p1:InstallAction/p1:Args/p1:Arg)[1]', 'nvarchar(max)') AS [InstallCommandLine]
,LDT.SDMPackageDigest.value('(/p1:AppMgmtDigest/p1:DeploymentType/p1:Installer/p1:UninstallAction/p1:Args/p1:Arg)[1]', 'nvarchar(max)') AS [UninstallCommandLine]
,LDT.SDMPackageDigest.value('(/p1:AppMgmtDigest/p1:DeploymentType/p1:Installer/p1:InstallAction/p1:Args/p1:Arg)[3]', 'nvarchar(max)') AS [ExecutionContext]
,LDT.SDMPackageDigest.value('(/p1:AppMgmtDigest/p1:DeploymentType/p1:Installer/p1:InstallAction/p1:Args/p1:Arg)[4]', 'nvarchar(max)') AS [RequiresLogOn]
,LDT.SDMPackageDigest.value('(/p1:AppMgmtDigest/p1:DeploymentType/p1:Installer/p1:InstallAction/p1:Args/p1:Arg)[8]', 'nvarchar(max)') AS [UserInteractionMode]
,LDT.SDMPackageDigest.value('(/p1:AppMgmtDigest/p1:DeploymentType/p1:Installer/p1:Contents/p1:Content/p1:OnFastNetwork)[1]', 'nvarchar(max)') AS [OnFastNetwork]
,LDT.SDMPackageDigest.value('(/p1:AppMgmtDigest/p1:DeploymentType/p1:Installer/p1:Contents/p1:Content/p1:OnSlowNetwork)[1]', 'nvarchar(max)') AS [OnSlowNetwork]
,LDT.SDMPackageDigest.value('(/p1:AppMgmtDigest/p1:DeploymentType/p1:Installer/p1:DetectAction/p1:Provider)[1]', 'nvarchar(max)') AS DetectAction
dbo.fn_ListApplicationCIs(1033) LPC
RIGHT Join fn_ListDeploymentTypeCIs(1033) LDT ON LDT.AppModelName = LPC.ModelName
--where LDT.CIType_ID = 21 AND LDT.IsLatest = 1 AND LDT.DisplayName like 'dpw office 365 templates%'
where LDT.CIType_ID = 21 AND LDT.IsLatest = 1
) A
GROUP BY A.[App Name],A.Type,A.InstBehavior1,A.InstBehavior2,A.InstBehavior3,A.InstBehavior4,InstBehavior5,InstBehavior6,A.PostInst,A.ContentLocation,A.InstallCommandLine,A.UninstallCommandLine,A.ExecutionContext,A.RequiresLogOn,A.UserInteractionMode,
ORDER BY A.InstBehavior1 DESC
--ORDER BY A.[App Name] - PaulvanderKroonCopper Contributor
Jon Ostroushko I have the same issue on my office laptop. Each workday between nine and 10 in the morning all my active office apps crashes. That includes outlook, word, excel and powerpoint. It happens only once a day. When I look in the Windows log books I see a message from Configuration Manager that event id 12117 cannot be found. I tried several solutions, including office repair, but sofar without succes. Even uninstall and install of Microsoft Office doesn't help to solve the problem. The laptop works with windows 10 and office 365. Have someone any suggestion for me?
- hansleroyIron ContributorHi,
I see other mentions of problems involving black rectangles, vibrating screens etc, and they make me think there is a problem with a graphic driver on some machines.
Could you try updating Windows and the drivers on your machine?
Kind regards
- Jon OstroushkoBrass Contributor
A little further information, we are seeing this on a system that just had a crash occur:
"The description for Event ID 12117 from source Configuration Manager cannot be found. Either the component that raises this event is not installed on your local computer or the installation is corrupted. You can install or repair the component on the local computer.
If the event originated on another computer, the display information had to be saved with the event.
The following information was included with the event:
Applying changes to [ScopeId_B0008DD4-DBC2-479D-AD8E-DAD4A8D2D656/Application_59db792b-eb58-48b6-8c48-a1c715bce24a 3] caused termination of following processes:
<processdetailslist><process name="OUTLOOK.EXE" friendlyname="Microsoft Outlook" processpath="C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\root\Office16\OUTLOOK.EXE"/></processdetailslist>"- Gabe_BrattonMicrosoft
Jon Ostroushko Can you post the crash event details too. There will usually be an Event 1000 and Event 1001. If you have Event 1001 please post it or if not the Event 1000. The Outlook Escalation Team has gotten a couple cases with crash issues and investigating. If I get any updates from that I will post back. The cases in escalation were for Semi Annual channel.
This is also common in two support cases:
Event 1000
Add-in execution error. Outlook crashed during the 'Open' callback of the 'ItemEvents_10' interface while calling into the 'Microsoft Teams Meeting Add-in for Microsoft Office' add-in.