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May 10, 2021New Blog Post | Automate Incident Assignment with Shifts for Teams
Automate Incident Assignment with Shifts for Teams - Microsoft Tech Community
Azure Sentinel Incidents contain detection details which enable security analysts to investigate using a graph view and gain deep insights into related entities. The responsiveness of a security analyst towards the triggered incidents (also known as Mean Time To Acknowledge - MTTA) is crucial as being able to respond to a security incident quickly and efficiently will reduce the incident impact and mitigate the security threats.
The newly introduced Automation Rules allow you to automatically assign incidents to an owner with the built-in action. This is extremely useful when you need to assign specific incidents to a dedicated SME. It will reduce the time of acknowledgement and ensure accountability for each incident.
However, some organizations have a group of analysts working on different shift schedules and required the ability to assign an incident to an analyst automatically based on the working schedule to improve the MTTA.
In this blog, we will discuss how to extend the incident assignment capability in Azure Sentinel by using a Playbook to rotate user assignments based on shift schedules. Plus, we will also discuss how you could manage incident assignments for multiple support groups at the end of the blog.
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