Forum Discussion

mustafaiqbal's avatar
Copper Contributor
Sep 16, 2024

Auto applying retention label to file-type not working

Hi all


Looking for some help on why a retention label may not be working.


I've created a retention label policy to auto-apply to a file type to delete after 1 year from the date it was last modified. I've removed SharePoint and OneDrive from the retention policy (ie no retention being applied on those areas) hoping that the label can work and automatic apply deletion to the file types. The audit function in Purview shows that no retention labels are being applied to any data.


Prior to applying the retention label policy I ran a simulation which picked up the file types but since making live I cant see anything happening.  The file-types its looking for is not the standard office files but for a bespoke software with an alternative extension and this how the query was written in the retention label policy set up "(*.vx0) OR (*.vx1)".


Any help or assistance much appreciated thanks.


  • Not sure I understood the part where you removed SPO/OneDrive locations. Do you mean that you're defaulting to All for said locations, or did you toggle them off in the policy settings? Are you targeting just Groups or?
