Forum Discussion

RonaldvdMeer's avatar
Iron Contributor
Oct 31, 2019

Resuming Quality updates in Intune

Recently we have paused a quality update for Windows 10 because of an issue with one of our application. After that issue was solved we hit the resume button in the update ring in Intune.

I was expecting that as soon we resumed the quality updates, the pause period would be disabled on the devices, but we noticed on the devices that updates are resuming after the default period of 35 days and not immediately.

Is this normal behaviour?

  • Chiners68's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    I paused both Quality and Feature updates for 3 days and resumed them but very few devices are updating according to my Update compliance reporting. I have verified the keys for pause and time are removed automatically. Devices are not updating but if I manually run an update scan on one it will install updates no problem. I can only presume although there are nothing in place causing a pause it wont resume checking for the 35 days reported. 


    I am in the process of pushing an quality update expedite to get the units up to date. hopefully they will then decide to pick up other updates they need.

  • paulcreedy710's avatar
    Brass Contributor
    This is an old post but I'm having the exact same problem. We paused updates to stop a buggy Update from Microsoft coming down and breaking our VPN, and now resuming it we find all the devices stuck and refusing to update because it's 'paused by the organisation' even though we've resumed updates in the ring. So we are now stuck with devices out of date and unable to update. Where was the thinking within Microsoft that thought that was a good idea? When resumed, they should resume not continue to be paused for over a month. Is there a work around or a way to make updates resume?
    • JA-CWGC's avatar
      Copper Contributor
      I'm having similar issues after resuming the updates in Intune, but only my Hybrid Azure AD joined devices. Our Azure AD joined devices are not exhibiting this behaviour. I am wondering if this is a hang up of old AD GPOs still on the device.
    • Rudy_Ooms_MVP's avatar


      Could you take a look at these settings
      Maybe changing them to zero if these settings are still configure to 1 or 2? and if that ain't working


      I would check out this key... as it notes the start time... maybe removing that key ?


      • paulcreedy710's avatar
        Brass Contributor

        Rudy_Ooms_MVP Hi.  That fix does actually work thank you, although I deleted the three entries instead of changing them because they weren't present on a few machines which didn't have this issue.  The problem 'fixing' this is the large number of devices and the spread of them remotely.  I'm tempted to try and push this reg change out via intune but I'm cautious of unknown consequences.


        I just cant believe that without any prompts or warnings within intune, Microsoft has decided this is the behaviour for updates being paused and restarted. 

  • Dan18539's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    RonaldvdMeerI´m having the same issue.
    I have paused from the Intune Portal and clicked on resume, but the machines are still paused.


    I´m thinking about creating a new policy.

      • thedrum808a's avatar
        Copper Contributor
        This makes the Resume button functionally useless. If not resumed, it automatically resumes after 35 days. If resumed, it waits till day 35 to resume.

        Is this working as expected right now?
