Forum Discussion
Reporting on iOS devices per office / city
Recently moved our iOS devices from another MDM to Intune. I want to be able to pull reports for devices on a per office or location basis. The office or city fields are present in azure ad, but I can’t seem to find a way to list all devices that are owned by people in a particular office. Anyone have any idea how to do this?
- JeremyTBradshawSteel Contributor
RichGaffs Hi. I have not tried this, but was curious after reading your post. Using Microsoft Graph, it appears you could list all devices, then iterate through them and list their registered owners. Another option is to list their registered users. You'd have to pick between the two approaches or combine both (not sure what you'd need in your report - all users of every device, or just the first/main user).
For all of this, you can use MSGraphPSEssentials. The same exact approach can be done using the AzureAD PowerShell module. Here's the Get-AzureADDevice page and notice on the left in the navigation pane the Get-AzureADDeviceRegisteredOwner and Get-AzureADDeviceRegisteredUser.
In either case above, you'd have to get the list of users as well (either from MS Graph or via Get-AzureADUser), in order to pull their City and other informational properties. So it' bde a 3-or-4-source-merge to make your report, but you can get it done and it looks like an attainable challenge. Great time to learn and use hashtables.