Forum Discussion

bfry2461's avatar
Brass Contributor
Jun 19, 2024

Azure Join Failing at Device Setup

I build 2 VM's, Windows 10 and Windows 11.  Both install fine from Intune.  The laptop fails at Device Setup.  IME log shows:

[Location Service] Failed to Get Endpoint From LocationServiceServiceAddressesController with url, thumbprint BCAD588F2610428A48540BC92C94F50DE008C6AF,True, WebException status NameResolutionFailure message The remote name could not be resolved: '' full System.Net.WebException: The remote name could not be resolved: ''
at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse()
at Microsoft.Management.Services.IntuneWindowsAgent.AgentCommon.DiscoveryService.GetEndpointFromLocationServiceServiceAddressesController(X509Certificate2 deviceCertificate, Guid deviceId)


Call configures and profiles are the same as the VM's.

Any suggestions?

  • bfry2461 


    Hi... 1. How did you enrolled those devices in the first place? I assume not with Windows Autopilot? As both install fine from Intune is a bit a weird way to describe the enrollment :).
    Lookign at the error... i assume your DNS records are configured for the automatic enrollment and you could ping them? I assume your user is licensed to Intune ?
    What did you already tried to troubleshoot

    • bfry2461's avatar
      Brass Contributor
      Hello Rudy, when the system boot up, I press Shift-f10 and install the Get-WindowsAutopilotInfo with the -Online to push the Hash to Intune. I can ping the DC and the user is licensed with an E5 license.
  • NicklasOlsen's avatar
    Iron Contributor
    I just have to understand it correctly.
    You have one VM working, and the other one isn't working, it gives you the above error? 🙂
    • bfry2461's avatar
      Brass Contributor
      Both VM's are working. It is just the physical Laptop that is erroring out during Device Setup.
      • NicklasOlsen's avatar
        Iron Contributor
        Is there anything different from the networks?
        As Rudy says, it sounds a little bit like some issues with reaching the records for automatic enrollment.
