Forum Discussion
Anthony Smith (A.J.)
Sep 22, 2020The definitive guide to Productivity Score
This is your one-stop shop for all things Productivity Score: documentation, demos, announcements, and other key resources designed to help you optimize your device experiences and your network conne...
Dec 15, 2020Brass Contributor
Hi AJ! I attended your event "deeper customer Engagement - Productivity Score (M365v307PAL)" the other day & have browsed through the documentation for one metric you mention: "Attachments in mail" vs linking to (online) docs. How is that metric built up? There is no such data in Usage reports/Analytics so far? I've tried to get it in customized reports (by Graph etc) - it's hard!
- Anthony Smith (A.J.)Dec 16, 2020
emil_wessberg, this information comes from service generated data that is not currently available via Graph or another API. The team is looking to build an API in the future to help organizations get access to their Productivity Score data programmatically.
- emil_wessbergDec 17, 2020Brass Contributor
Thanks for quick reply AJ 👍! Then I know I haven't been digging into users mailbox in vain 😉. Looking forward to API progress.