Forum Discussion
May 05, 2023Updated 6/14: ILT Courseware on Microsoft Learn
This post has been updated June 14, 2022 to reflect newly created Office Hour sessions and updated documentation.
Hello Learning Partners -
In 2018, Microsoft announced an exciting vision for technical training on Microsoft technologies.  The foundation of that vision is Microsoft Learn ( ) .  Microsoft Learn provides Microsoft technical content, training, and engaging experiences, in a single destination for learners and organizations.  From the start we have made significant investments to provide a modern digital experience to our learners, trainers, and the academic and commercial training channels.
With that foundation, we are excited to announce that Microsoft Learn will soon be the exclusive source for Microsoft training materials.
In July 2022, Learning Partners will begin the transition to delivering Microsoft training materials directly from Microsoft Learn.  Ordering and provisioning Microsoft courseware will not be available on Courseware Marketplace / Skillpipe after September 30 th , 2022.
To support you with Microsoft Learn, attached you will find the current FAQ that will be continuously updated with partner questions. We have also included the full disclosure deck from the May 4 th announcement call to provide you with a high-level overview of the changes.
Additionally, we have added new Office Hour sessions throughout July and August. In these sessions we reserve the beginning of the call for any project updates and then open it up for questions. The Q&A from these calls are then updated in the next version of the FAQ document.
Upcoming Office Hours:
July 13, 8 AM Pacific - Register
July 27, 7 PM Pacific - Register
August 3, 8 AM Pacific - Register
August 10, 7 PM Pacific - Register
August 17, 8 AM Pacific - Register
August 24, 7 PM Pacific - Register
August 31, 8 AM Pacific - Register
We will soon be publishing a Learning Partner Readiness Resource Kit. This will include all job aids, demos and support that you need to help lead through the transition of Microsoft Learn. We will continue to provide updates as we progress through the upcoming months. Be sure to stay updated on all changes here on Learning Community Site, the Learning Resources site , and via our Learning Partner newsletter .
Thank you for your partnership.
- Dan
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