Forum Discussion
shafiq rehman
Sep 02, 2019Iron Contributor
Geting an error while creating the AD account if the Name of the Lecturer has some special Charakter
I have a Dynamics CRM with some Entries for Lecturer, I did some Microsoft Flows to automtizise the procress of Creating AD Account and Office 365 -> Moodle Connections.
However I ofc geting an error while creating the AD account if the Name of the Lecturer has some special Charakters.
LastName: Reuter
Firstname: Lucien André
Firstproblem the Space between Lucien and And...
This was easy to care with a replace
concat(replace(triggerBody()?['firstname'],' ','.'),'.',replace(triggerBody()?['lastname'],' ','.'),'@Domain')
But I cant find an easy solution for all the special Charakters like ´`^ and since we have some polish lecturer all the diffrents version of Ł ect..
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