Forum Discussion

RahamimL's avatar
Iron Contributor
Feb 17, 2022

Room finder not working but suggested locations show rooms

Hi everyone,

We have a problem with room finder both in outlook and OWA.

When a user tries to check the room finder to search for a room they get this window:

Our exchange is hybrid. The on-premise exchange server is used for mail relay and creating new mail-enabled users (historical reasons).

Based on all the forums and documentations I created a room list distribution group and added all the rooms to that group. This several days ago and didn't resolve the issue. I also modified the metadata of one of the rooms (Added building and audio device name and video device name) This also didn't help.

The thing is, if I click on the suggested location I see the rooms including all the data about the room's availability.

I found some saying to create another room list even as a dummy to fix this issue... did that while writing this message and not sure this will help...


Any idea? should I open a ticket with Microsoft?


Thanks in advance, Rahamim.

  • Hi Rahamim,

    Same here. I have opened a support ticket, and this was recommended solution:
    The solution seems to be working for Teams but not for Outlook.
    What I noticed is that if you update a resource from a room to a workplace, it will show up in the finder. (Not an ideal solution of course)
    Set-Mailbox -Identity “Email address removed” -Type workplace
    That makes me think it's a room finder filtering issue that broke listing any available rooms.
