Forum Discussion
Aug 09, 2022Copper Contributor
I have a spread sheet named "One Size Look Up (OSLU)" that can return numerous values of a certain criteria with XLOOKUP functions. I am trying to format a cell, in OSLU, to return a hyperlin...
Aug 09, 2022MVP
Aug 09, 2022Copper Contributor
SergeiBaklan When I try "=HYPERLINK((XLOOKUP(C16,CHARTS!$GO$4:$GO$432,XLOOKUP(OSLU!D16,CHARTS!$GQ$2:$HA$2,CHARTS!$GQ$4:$HA$432))))" I get the following results when I click on the returned Hyperlink (see attached). Also, my hyperlink address is not routed to Onedrive nor is the file I'm trying to Hyperlink. It is stored on a local drive.
- SergeiBaklanAug 09, 2022MVP
It is forwards on OneDrive if you current file is located on OneDrive, doesn't matter where is the target file. Its file path is not recognized correctly, thus Excel takes current folder and tries to find file here.
Most probably your issue is not in XLOOKUP formula, but in hyperlink it returns. Something shall be corrected here or by formula. Without knowing which exactly link text formula returns it's hard to say more concrete.
As an example, if my current file is on OneDrive and target file is local drive, link returned as '[C:\Test\testA.xlsx]Sheet2'!$A$1 forwards on OneDrive, [C:\Test\testA.xlsx]'Sheet2'!$A$1 opens local file and focuses on right place.