Forum Discussion

meera_lynn's avatar
Copper Contributor
Aug 06, 2024

Work out when 2 different priorities each with different baseline points, will match up

Normal 160
Normal High10600
Very High100060000
Queue Jump10000600000


I'd be most grateful for help on how to work this out please:

  1. Calls are routed depending on the number of points. 
  2. So a call with Normal priority inherits 1 point for every second they are queueing, a call with Very High priority inherits 1000 points for every second they are queueing etc (see table above)
  3. If Normal priority call has been queueing for 30 minutes they would get 1800 points
  4. If a Very High priority call enters that queue it would instantly get 1000 for the 1st second it enters that queue

QUESTION: How do I calculate (formula) at which point (in seconds/minutes) the call with Very High priority will beat the Normal priority call which has been queueing for 30+ minutes already?


I'd appreciate an Excel whizz to create a formula that works this out for all the priorities (not just by 30 minute interval but by every 1 minute interval) in my table above please.


Much obliged.

  • BA_Max's avatar
    Iron Contributor

    meera_lynn Something like this?

    I think having a table to compare is neither here or there - it'd probably be easier using a dropdown (included) or using the same formula you could do a lookup table / function for each person on hold to consider how many "points" they have.


    I do think that the x10 aspect of points is kind of arbitrary though, it might be worth doing some research into how much extra weight you apply per tier.


    Edit: I provided a table because I misread the question, whoops. I'm pretty sure your table is so simple it'd be a case of "have they been on hold for 100x less" for high to normal, etc.
