Forum Discussion

Deleted's avatar
Oct 12, 2018

Will not create data table because excel says there is an array in the proposed data table area.

Hi. I have a spreadsheet with an area that I want to convert to a data table. Excel comes back and says 

"multi-cell array formulas are not allowed in tables." So I cannot create the data table. I go back and look through the table area every way I know how but I cannot find an array of any type in the range where I want to create the data table. I have used online help but cannot find what the problem is exactly.

Any help much appreciated. Reuben Vabner

  • Haytham Amairah's avatar
    Haytham Amairah
    Silver Contributor

    Hi Reuben.


    I reproduced this issue in my spreadsheet and got the below result.

    I've tried to convert the range B2:B4 to a table, but since the range has multi-cell array formula which is TRANSPOSE, I can't do that!


    You should have a formula like this in the range you're trying to convert to a table!

    If not, please attach the spreadsheet that has this issue in order to figure out what is the problem.




      • BobOrrell's avatar
        Iron Contributor

        Cells U31, U32, and U33 have array formulas that are different from the other formulas in the column.  

  • BobOrrell's avatar
    Iron Contributor

    You'll need to look for an array formula.  You can tell that a formula is an array formula when it is enclosed in { }

    • Haritha_Mekkatt's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      BobOrrell hi bob, I got the same issue. And the formula is enclosed in {} . Is there any way to create a table with this?

      • BobOrrell's avatar
        Iron Contributor
        Not to my knowledge. if the formula has {} surrounding it, you cannot put that formula in a table.
    • Deleted's avatar

      Thank you very much. I did search for the first bracket "{" using FIND but it said there are none. I will try again but it may again tell me no such bracket in table area. Thanks for your help.


      • Deleted's avatar

        Tried again.Cannot find any brackets. Also, if you try to "sort and filter" (custom), it will not do that either because there is supposedly an array in the range I want to sort and filter.


        Thank you, Reuben
