Forum Discussion
VBA help for a Macro (inserting picture from file)
To be honest, I asked where it is best to include such a VBA code.
Most of them say with Outlook, not Excel.
So I searched the internet and found this information.
Folder selection when sending With this VBA code, any e-mail folder can be selected as storage when sending an e-mail. To use this example, please note the important information and the workshop Using VBA in Outlook.
Please copy the 1st part of the code into a new module (insert -> module in the VBA editor):
Option Explicit
Public Function SentFolder (ByRef Item As Object) As Boolean
'================================================== =====================
'' Displays the Outlook® selection folder when sending an email
'If required, e-mail to a folder other than "Sent Items"
'to discard.
'2008-11-19 version 1.0.1
'================================================= =====================
Dim obj Folder As Object
'------------------------------------------------- --------------------
'Although the SaveSentMessageFolder-
'property should also be possible for meeting requests
'there is a mistake with these. Hence, prior to using this
'Function asks whether the item is an email.
'------------------------------------------------- --------------------
If Not Item.Class = olMail Then Exit Function
'------------------------------------------------- --------------------
'The loop is run through until a valid folder is selected
'or the selection is canceled.
'------------------------------------------------- --------------------
'------------------------------------------------- ----------------
'Show folder selection
'------------------------------------------------- ----------------
Set objFolder = Nothing
Set objFolder = Outlook.Session.PickFolder
'------------------------------------------------- ----------------
'Has the selection been canceled?
'------------------------------------------------- ----------------
If objFolder Is Nothing Then
SentFolder = True
Exit function
End If
'------------------------------------------------- ----------------
'Wrong folder type selected?
'------------------------------------------------- ----------------
If InStr (objFolder.DefaultMessageClass, "IPM.Note") = 0 Then
Set objFolder = Nothing
If MsgBox ("Please select a folder for emails." _
, vbCritical + vbOKCancel, "Select shelf") = vbCancel Then
SentFolder = True
Exit function
End If
End If
'------------------------------------------------- ----------------
'The inbox is not suitable as a shelf
'------------------------------------------------- ----------------
If Not objFolder Is Nothing Then
If objFolder = Outlook.Session.GetDefaultFolder (olFolderInbox) Then
If MsgBox ("Are you sure you want to put the sent email in the inbox?" _
, vbExclamation + vbYesNo + vbDefaultButton2, "Select storage") = vbNo Then
Set objFolder = Nothing
End If
End If
End If
Loop While objFolder Is Nothing
'------------------------------------------------- --------------------
'Define the storage location of the email
'------------------------------------------------- --------------------
Set Item.SaveSentMessageFolder = objFolder
'------------------------------------------------- --------------------
'Delete reference to folder
'------------------------------------------------- --------------------
Set objFolder = Nothing
End function
The call is made from the Application_ItemSend event in the module ThisOutlookSession. Please copy the 2nd part of the code here:
908 / 5000
Private Sub Application_ItemSend (ByVal Item As Object, Cancel As Boolean)
'================================================= =====================
'This procedure is recorded immediately before an email is sent.
' call. If "Cancel" is true, the sending of the e-mail is canceled.
'2008-11-19 version 1.0.1
'================================================== =====================
'------------------------------------------------- --------------------
'Show folder selection for storing the sent mail
'------------------------------------------------- --------------------
Cancel = SentFolder (Item)
'------------------------------------------------- --------------------
'Delete reference to email
'------------------------------------------------- --------------------
Set Item = Nothing
End Sub
At the beginning I would not have thought that it could be so difficult.
In retrospect, however, I understand watum it's so hard.
It's not about Excel, it's about Outlook.
It doesn't really matter whether I send an Excel file or another file as an e-mail.
(Step by step)
Outlook, start the VBA editor successfully.
I add Code 1 via "Insert / Module". In the drop-down menus in the pop-up window, (“Selection”), (“Declarations”) remains.
The left is now under Project1 (VbaProject.OTM)
- Microsoft Outlook objects
- ThisOutlookSession
- modules
- Module 1
If I now double-click “ThisOutlookSession”, a window opens again, the drop-down menu says “Application” on the left and “ItemSend” on the right.
I copy code 2 into the free field.
I save everything (without renaming anything), go back to Outlook, restart Outlook.
When I write an email now, I get various error messages:
First runtime error for "AddinTools Classic Menu for Outlook".
Then the VBA editor opens again, module 1 is marked on the left and the pop-up window reads:
"Error during compilation, invalid outside of a procedure, module 1 marked".
If I click away, I quit the debugger.
Don't forget to reactivate the macros.
I hope that you will get a little further with it.
Thank you for your understanding and patience
I know I don't know anything (Socrates)
NikolinoDE Thank you for the very detailed response, but what I am looking for is much simpler than the posting.
I'm looking to simply run a macro that finds a picture's location in one cell and then insert the picture into another cell. But it has to be attached to a cell so it can be sorted AND be an actual picture vs a link.
I've tried 2 versions with each having it's own issues:
1 - ActiveSheet.Pictures.Insert(picname).Select ', LinkToFile:=msoFalse, SaveWithDocument:=msoTrue
** This one attaches to cells, and inserts the pictures, but ONLY as links, so the spreadsheet can't be sent to anyone.
2 - ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddPicture Filename:=picname, LinkToFile:=msoFalse, SaveWithDocument:=msoTrue, Left:=Cells(CurRow, PicLocCol).Left, Top:=Cells(CurRow, PicLocCol).Top, Height:=80, Width:=100
** This one attaches a picture (vs a link) and can be sent, but won't attach to cells, so it can't be sorted.