Forum Discussion
VBA code - Calculate Formula from dropdown
I have a workbook where I have had to disable automatic calculations due to workbook being slow.
Could somebody advise a code to calculate formulas whenever an item is selected in a dropdown?
I have attached an example of the workbook, I want formula's to calculate when the dropdown in G2 is selected. Formula's that are needed are in columns AR, AS & AT.
Existing code for filtering when using the dropdowns in D2 & G2:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim rgEmployee As Range
Set rgEmployee = Me.Range("G2")
If Not Intersect(Target, rgEmployee) Is Nothing Then
Dim rgList As Range, str As String, n As Variant
Set rgList = Range("C_Employee_List")
str = rgEmployee.Value
n = Application.Match(str, rgList, 0)
If IsError(n) Then
rgList.EntireColumn.Hidden = False
rgList.EntireColumn.Hidden = True
rgList.Cells(, n).EntireColumn.Hidden = False
End If
Call CheckTrainingStatus
ElseIf Not Intersect(Target, Me.Range("D2")) Is Nothing Then
Call CheckTrainingStatus
End If
End Sub
Sub CheckTrainingStatus()
Dim tbl As ListObject, x As Long, y As Long, z As Long
Set tbl = Me.ListObjects("Comp_Table")
x = tbl.ListColumns("Refresh Training Records").Index
y = tbl.ListColumns("Obsolete Training Records").Index
z = tbl.ListColumns("All Training Records").Index
With tbl.Range
Select Case Me.Range("D2").Value
Case "Refresh"
.AutoFilter Field:=x, Criteria1:="<>0"
.AutoFilter Field:=y
.AutoFilter Field:=z
Case "Obsolete"
.AutoFilter Field:=x
.AutoFilter Field:=y, Criteria1:="<>0"
.AutoFilter Field:=z
Case "All"
.AutoFilter Field:=x
.AutoFilter Field:=y
.AutoFilter Field:=z, Criteria1:="<>0"
Case Else 'blank
.AutoFilter Field:=x
.AutoFilter Field:=y
.AutoFilter Field:=z
End Select
End With
End Sub
Above the End Sub line of CheckTrainingStatus:
or if you only want to recalculate columns AR to AT:
Above the End Sub line of CheckTrainingStatus:
or if you only want to recalculate columns AR to AT:
- Michael1835Copper Contributor
Thanks a bunch Hans! Works Perfectly