Forum Discussion
Nick Wronkiewicz
Sep 04, 2018Copper Contributor
Using WORKDAY to create a list of projected job start dates.
"Days" = project workdays
"Start Date" = expected project start date
"Sheet2!A2:A7" = a table of holidays
I wanted to copy the formula down the column, but it won't keep the reference to the holiday tale the same. It keeps increasing the cell reference for the holiday table by 1 line each time. Flash fill doesn't work because it doesn't see a pattern. How can I make this work? I also need to be able to remove jobs as they finish. Whether I delete an entire line or just the data from that line, the formulas won't auto-change correctly.
- Philip WestSteel Contributor
Try Sheet2!$A$:$A$7
In excel the $ acts and an anchor an prevents the behavior you are seeing.
Your could also use a named range, details here:
With that you could replace name you holidays 'holidays' and just refer to it that way in your formula.