Forum Discussion

Michael1835's avatar
Copper Contributor
Apr 17, 2024

Using a drop down to hide/unhide columns in a table (VBA Code)

  I would like to use a drop down to hide/unhide columns based on a persons name, the columns in orange are the columns I want to hide/unhide. When I choose a name from the drop down, I would ...
  • djclements's avatar
    Apr 22, 2024

    Michael1835 To show/hide columns based on a selected employee, first open Name Manager and define a named range for the list of employees (referring to the applicable column headers). For example, define a new name called Employee_List that refers to: =Sheet1!$I$6:$DD$6. Next, create a Data Validation List in cell G6, with Source: =Employee_List. Then, open the Visual Basic Editor and use the following code in the Worksheet_Change event of the applicable worksheet module (Sheet1, in this example):


    Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
        Dim rgEmployee As Range
        Set rgEmployee = Me.Range("G2")
        If Not Intersect(Target, rgEmployee) Is Nothing Then
            Dim rgList As Range, str As String, n As Variant
            Set rgList = Range("Employee_List")
            str = rgEmployee.Value
            n = Application.Match(str, rgList, 0)
            If IsError(n) Then
                rgList.EntireColumn.Hidden = False
                rgList.EntireColumn.Hidden = True
                rgList.Cells(, n).EntireColumn.Hidden = False
            End If
        End If
    End Sub


    To filter rows based on the "Check Training Status" selection in cell D2, I highly recommend looking into the Range.AutoFilter method, which will vary slightly depending on if your data is setup as a worksheet range or an Excel table (ListObject). As an example, the following code demonstrates how this could be achieved with an Excel table (ListObject), where the "Training Records out of Date" and "Retraining Required" columns are part of the table:


    Sub CheckTrainingStatus()
        Dim tbl As ListObject, x As Long, y As Long
        Set tbl = Sheet1.ListObjects("Table1")
        x = tbl.ListColumns("Training Records out of Date").Index
        y = tbl.ListColumns("Retraining Required").Index
        With tbl.Range
            Select Case Sheet1.Range("D2").Value
                Case "Refresh"
                    .AutoFilter Field:=x
                    .AutoFilter Field:=y, Criteria1:="<>0"
                Case "Obsolete"
                    .AutoFilter Field:=x, Criteria1:="<>0"
                    .AutoFilter Field:=y
                Case Else 'All or blank
                    .AutoFilter Field:=x
                    .AutoFilter Field:=y
            End Select
        End With
    End Sub


    To apply the filter to the selected employee only, modify the worksheet formulas used in columns DE and DF to reference the matching column only. For example, if the original formula in cell DE7 was:



  could change it to:


    =IF(ISBLANK($G$2), SUM(I7:DD7), INDEX(I7:DD7, MATCH($G$2, Employee_List, 0)))


    Then, modify the Worksheet_Change event to call CheckTrainingStatus as needed. For example:


    Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
        Dim rgEmployee As Range
        Set rgEmployee = Me.Range("G2")
        If Not Intersect(Target, rgEmployee) Is Nothing Then
            Dim rgList As Range, str As String, n As Variant
            Set rgList = Range("Employee_List")
            str = rgEmployee.Value
            n = Application.Match(str, rgList, 0)
            If IsError(n) Then
                rgList.EntireColumn.Hidden = False
                rgList.EntireColumn.Hidden = True
                rgList.Cells(, n).EntireColumn.Hidden = False
            End If
            Call CheckTrainingStatus
        ElseIf Not Intersect(Target, Me.Range("D2")) Is Nothing Then
            Call CheckTrainingStatus
        End If
    End Sub


    Note: this is an example only, intended to help point you in the right direction. If your data is not formatted as an Excel table (ListObject), additional steps may be required to identify the AutoFilter Range and/or the Field Numbers of the columns to be filtered.
