Forum Discussion
Unable to use a nested IF(AND) function in an array function (Discussion)
- Apr 16, 2024
AND does not return an array of TRUE/FALSE values, but a single TRUE/FALSE value.
(logic1)*(logic2) returns an array of 1/0 values.
The and() returning a single value is annoying when dealing with arrays, but it can be worked around.
If it is a problem you have, here is one possible approach using a functional programming style (it allows chaining together multiple logical relationships, but that chain is not necessary here). The important bit is that the two arrays entered must already be boolean values (TRUE or FALSE) or otherwise "truthy" (Excel will evaluate them as TRUE or FALSE).
and_base, LAMBDA(array1_bool, LAMBDA(array2_bool, IF(array1_bool * array2_bool, TRUE, FALSE))),
and_func, LAMBDA(array1_bool, array2_bool, and_base(array1_bool)(array2_bool)),
array1_bool, {TRUE; TRUE; FALSE; FALSE},
array2_bool, {TRUE; FALSE; TRUE; FALSE},
and_func(array1_bool, array2_bool)
The easiest way to make arrays into booleans is to simply apply your criteria to the array, e.g.
and_base, LAMBDA(array1_bool, LAMBDA(array2_bool, IF(array1_bool * array2_bool, TRUE, FALSE))),
and_func, LAMBDA(array1_bool, array2_bool, and_base(array1_bool)(array2_bool)),
array1, SEQUENCE(10),
array2, SEQUENCE(10),
array1_bool, array1 <= 6,
array2_bool, array2 >= 4,
and_array, and_func(array1_bool, array2_bool),
headers, {"Array 1", "Array 2", "Crit 1 and Crit 2 met"},
VSTACK(headers, HSTACK(array1, array2, and_array))
output should be:
Array 1 | Array 2 | Crit 1 and Crit 2 met |
1 | 1 | FALSE |
2 | 2 | FALSE |
3 | 3 | FALSE |
4 | 4 | TRUE |
5 | 5 | TRUE |
6 | 6 | TRUE |
7 | 7 | FALSE |
8 | 8 | FALSE |
9 | 9 | FALSE |
10 | 10 | FALSE |
Wow! I was initially looking for a technical explanation on why a nested AND function would not return an array when an IF-IF or an IF with "*" conditions does, but this workaround is definately interesting though.
Thanks for the contribution.
- joelb95Apr 17, 2024Brass ContributorThis is a guess, but I think “and” is an aggregate function like sum - no mater how many arguments you pass to it, it will return a single value. Think of it like a straight Boolean check (are truth values a, b, c, … z all true?) rather than like a an expanded group of truthy comparisons. “And” sees only an array of truth values, no matter how that array is composed.
But that is a guess - I have no idea about how excel works under the hood.