Forum Discussion
Nov 06, 2024Copper Contributor
Text wrapping in a cel with formula
Hello, I'm new on this community so please don't offend if I approach my problem in an incorrect way. I've been looking in previous threads to find an answer, but can't seem to find it. I have...
Nov 06, 2024Copper Contributor
The information in the cell works just fine now as it should.
Now I need to print the cell with multi-line information on a DYMO LabelWriter 400.
There is a special Dymo plugin available for Excel that I have installed.
However, when sending the the printjob, every line from the Excell cell is splitted into a separate label, problably because of the TEKEN(10) hard enter after every line.
Is there a way to solve this by telling Excel that it needs to be printed as 1 complete textblock?
- PeterBartholomew1Nov 06, 2024Silver Contributor
If your Dymo app is picking up the Line feeds, then an alternative might be to pad each line to the same (maximum allowable) length using
= CONCAT(LEFT(header & ": " & Address & REPT(" ", 32), 32)) where header = {"Company","Contact","Address","City ","Country"}
It is such a basic requirement, though, that the app must accept some combination of <LF>, <CR> and <FF> as control characters.
- Marco_CVNov 11, 2024Copper Contributor
Hello Peter,
Sorry, but I can't seem to figure out how to implement your formula into my allready working formula
="ADRES "&A123&TEKEN(10)&C125&TEKEN(10)&"T.a.v. "&C124&" "&C123&TEKEN(10)&C126&TEKEN(10)&C127
- Marco_CVNov 11, 2024Copper Contributor
Hello Peter,
Thank you for your feedback, I will go and try this as well!
KR Marco - Marco_CVNov 11, 2024Copper Contributor
Hello Peter,
Thank you for your feedback, I will go and try this as well!
KR Marco
- HansVogelaarNov 06, 2024MVP
I don't know. Does the Dymo plugin have settings that might affect this?