Forum Discussion

Possiexx's avatar
Copper Contributor
Jul 19, 2019

Table Style after Clearing Advanced Filter

Is using the Clear button under Sort & Filter the correct way to display the full Table again after the running of Advanced Filter?  I find that the rows are no longer showing in alternate colors.  I...
  • nabilmourad's avatar
    Jul 19, 2019



    I get your point.

    The result of the Advanced filter will never carry the original formatting. If you copy that result to another sheet, you can reapply the same table style if you like.

    However, after releasing your filter, the banded color of the rows are messed up.

    To fix it:

    1. Select the whole range
    2. Go to the Editing Group of the Home Tab >> Clear >> Clear Formats (alternatively hit the shortcut ALT, E, A,F)

    NB: You can create a Macro that combines All these steps together.


    Hope that helps

    Nabil Mourad
