Forum Discussion
May 13, 2023Copper Contributor
Smarter way to identify the top n in a list of stocks
Hi Can anyone suggest a smarter way to do this? I am using Excel 2019 My Goal: Keep track of Stocks, ETFs and Mutual funds, based on dividends and an amount to invest. I have a Database excel ...
May 13, 2023Silver Contributor
If you have Excel 365 then I would suggest you look at the SORT and SORTBY functions. Once you get it sorted you can use TAKE() to take the top x rows. You might also benefit from the FILTER function to pull the stocks you are interested in. While you're at it I recommend you learn LET() because that will help in lots of cases. There are a LOT of new functions but the above are probably the ones that you may want in this case.
Beyond that I would need more like sample sheets and such to better understand what exactly you are doing/needing
Beyond that I would need more like sample sheets and such to better understand what exactly you are doing/needing
- PV398May 14, 2023Copper ContributorUnfortunately I do not have Excel 365.
All I am trying to do is make sublists of a Bigger list and then identify the top 10 rows of each sublist. I need to be able to add new elements to the Big List and have the sublists be updated accordingly- Detlef_LewinMay 14, 2023Silver Contributor
- PV398May 14, 2023Copper ContributorDo I need to create 3 pivot tables ?