Forum Discussion

mesfort's avatar
Copper Contributor
Dec 04, 2024

Sharepoint Hyperlink not Dynamic

Recently a bunch of items were moved from a drive to Sharepoint and I am trying to update my dynamic hyperlinks.

Every month there is a checklist of tasks that need to be accomplished and I have Hyperlink formulas to click on and go to the current month-year folder.


I setup my formula using the "December 2024" folder as my basis and the formula sent me there. Perfect!

Then I changed the MONTH_YEAR cell to "December 2023". The only difference between the file paths when copied and pasted from the address bar is 2023 versus 2024. When I clicked on the updated link it sent me right back to the 2024 folder. Does anyone know why the link isn't changing when I change the parameters?


                   CONCAT("Game > Campaign > Player > Character > CY",
                          " > Notes")),
         CONCAT("Game > Campaign > Player > Character > CY",
                "> Notes"))


Thank you

  • NikolinoDE's avatar
    Gold Contributor

    =IFERROR(HYPERLINK(CONCAT(http_to_Master_Folder,"%2F%5F%5FCharacter%2FCY",TEXT(RIGHT(MONTH_YEAR,4),"0000"),"%2FNotes&viewid=x00000f2%2X0x0x%2XD0xxx%0Xx00x%0X0000x000xx00"),CONCAT("Game > Campaign > Player > Character > CY", TEXT(RIGHT(MONTH_YEAR,4), "0000"), " > Notes")), CONCAT("Game > Campaign > Player > Character > CY", TEXT(RIGHT(MONTH_YEAR,4), "0000"), " > Notes"))


    Just off the top of my head, maybe it helps, if not please just ignore it 🙂.


  • Mark_J_Walker's avatar
    Brass Contributor

    I have tried this as I have a similar requirement coming up.

    I broke it down into parts using a LET() statement and named ranges for the Root (parent) folders

    =LET(yr,RIGHT(MONTH_YEAR,4), parent,shareFolder, yrFile, yr&"\DATA.XLSX", filePath, parent&yrFile, HYPERLINK(filePath, yrFile) )

    This works for me, so it may be worth rebuilding the formula to make sure that the hyperlink is correct


