Forum Discussion
Joel Lee
Aug 03, 2017Copper Contributor
Shade a cell but not print that color?
Is there a way I can shade a cell, but keep that cell from being shaded when I print the sheet? For example, I want someone to enter data only in the cells I've shaded yellow, but I want the finished print to not have yellow, shaded cells.
- CCR5CD4Copper Contributor
Easiest way to do this:
Go to Page Setup
Select the "Sheet" Tab
Check the "Draft quality" box.
- rcsthaCopper Contributornot bad but it will remove all cell border too.
- Logaraj SekarSteel Contributor
- rcsthaCopper Contributor
Is there any other method?
actually i don't want to print cell color for some range only.
Thanks in advance
- RisuchanCopper Contributor
This is so helpful, thanks so much!
- Joel LeeCopper Contributor
Thank you Logaraj for the helpful suggestion! This is a fantastic work-around. But unless there is another solution, I presume that I can't BOTH hide the one shaded color but otherwise print my sheet in color.
- morkimbCopper Contributor
Joel, try using conditional formatting (Home, Styles, Conditional Formatting). Select the cells you want to be highlighted yellow and click Conditional Formatting, New Rule. Under Rule Type select "Format only cells that contain" and choose Cell Value (1st drop down), equal to (2nd drop down), and type 0 in the 3rd box. Then click Format and under the Fill Tab choose the color you want the empty cells to be highlighted (in your case, yellow). Click OK and OK again in the initial rule window. This allows you to highlight cells that don't have information and send a digital file to be filled out. Once the person fills in the required cells, the yellow highlight is removed and can be printed. Good luck!