Forum Discussion
Peter Snabe
Aug 03, 2018Copper Contributor
Save as CSV file (UTF-8) with double quotes - how?
Hi I often need to save data as a CSV file (UTF-8) where all cells are surrounded by double quotes. I cannot find any way to do that in Excel - can it be true? Any idea how to do that?
elvira moran
Aug 03, 2018Copper Contributor
Hello, you can change your file format to "CSV". You need to do the following:
- Click on File
- Select "Save As"
- Selec the folder where you need to save your document
- Select "Save as type", Click on the dropdown arrow to choose the new format, e.g., CSV file (UTF-8) Comma delimited.
I hope the above instructions help you.
Thank you
- Elias2000May 16, 2019Copper Contributor
- clarence potterNov 13, 2018Copper Contributor
Where is this mythical file type csv (utf8)? I only have csv, csv (dos), and csv (mac). I really need Excel to stop screwing up the foreign language characters when saving as csv. What is it that Excel actually saves them as that they don't work in my other apps?
- sagearborNov 29, 2022Copper Contributor
clarence potter
If you "Save As" → "CSV (Comma Delimited)" and then click "Tools" → "Web Options" → "Encoding" , you can choose UTF=8 ... see screen shot below.