Forum Discussion

7063412656's avatar
Copper Contributor
Jan 13, 2025

Problem with MS office on apple mac

I had a problem with mail on apple, went to their support and they said before anything else I needed to update to the latest version Sonoma. This I did and problem in mail solved.

However, I now have a problem with opening office files. In particular, Word and Excel

Keep getting permissions needed notices if I try to open from any “recent files” drop downs

If I go to the root directory for the file and double click the files will open albeit very slowly. Having opened them in this way I can then reopen them in recent files in finder again albeit slowly, but not recent files in office.

Visited apple store and they checked it over and couldn’t see any obvious apple problems. Permissions are on etc. They then reinstalled office but still the same.

Have since contacted MS support again they tried a few thigs including reinstalling office, this time from MS account and not from my installer file on the computer. Still no change.

The last chance seems to be to completely scrub my Mac book and start again Apple store have said that may be the only way if there is no known problem of this nature.

Before I do just want to make sure that there isn’t any history like this or a known fix


  • Try moving your files to the Mac OS Documents folder. Be sure no files, folders, or volume name have special characters.

    • 7063412656's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      Hi Jim

      Thank you very much for responding, just tried that and the file opened without the permissions warnings I usually get, but it takes a long time (30+seconds) to open the file. Tech help at the apple store said that I probably have too many large office files on my Mac and that could be slowing it down. That may be so but the point is I was opening all my office files very quickly with no problems until I upgraded to OS Sonoma.

      It may be I have to archive my files, reinstall OS, and 365, and start again!

      Any more thought would be appreciated before I do that, thanks for you help.
