Forum Discussion

Natanael90's avatar
Copper Contributor
Aug 22, 2022

Problem Enable Macros on Excel

Hi Good days all,


We had some trouble regarding with enabling macros option on specific user.

Our issue regarding with "enable button" on Security Notice.


Our SAP Application generating / exporting Excel report with macro, and majority of our user capable to enable the macro to access the Excel files.


How to enable the macro button on excel application. Even we already tried to reinstall the Office application but no luck. But in the same computer we tried with other user profile it's work. Is there anyway 

  • Carlos Mendão's avatar
    Carlos Mendão
    Copper Contributor
    We have the same problem, someone solve this?
    Dont have button show siganture details to see certificate and add certificate to trusted publisher.
    We have SAP 7.60 patch 13.
    • Denise Child's avatar
      Denise Child
      Iron Contributor
      We have the same problem, no digital signature when we open macros.
      We have SAP 7.20 patch 5. This started after Microsoft updated a certificate in Excel on 8/3/2022 for Microsoft Windows Defender Advanced Threat Protection.
      The only workaround is to open any Excel file in OneDrive before we export to Excel. We use AVD.
  • kelsyeong's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Natanael90 we face the same issue, temporary solution will just need to open any excel file with data inside and leave it (dont close the excel) than continue generate report from SAP and it will work. 


    from there you able to view the cert, you can choose to import and export than place in trusted publisher in excel later, so you can run the report without any excel open.

    • SuperUser19's avatar
      Copper Contributor
      It worked for me. Thank you so much for this work around!
    • Natanael90's avatar
      Copper Contributor
      Thanks for your reply, but can you be more specific how to import / export the certificate ?

      Since we already tried your method, opening the excel doesn't give amy response to view certificate and import/export.

      • kelsyeong's avatar
        Copper Contributor


        Show Signature Details link

        View Certificate button

        Install Certificate button

        Choose the certificate place in current user under trusted publishers than ok

        than you are good to go without any excel open also can generate report from SAP now. (please make sure you have excel open with data, only you have the enable button visible and the show certificate link)


