Forum Discussion

Bjsmith2's avatar
Copper Contributor
Jun 17, 2022

Pivot Table - Summing Averages in Grand Total

I have a column of values in a pivot table summarized as averages. I want the grand total for this column to add the averages as a sum. I know I can manually add the values with a simple formula. But is there a way to adjust the field settings to do the aforementioned?

  • Bjsmith2 

    If add data to data model you may play with DAX measures. For such model

    it could be

    average with sum:=SUMX (
        SUMMARIZE (
            "averages", AVERAGE ( Table1[V] )


    averages:=AVERAGE( Table1[V] )
    average with sum 2 :=
    SUMX (
        VALUES ( Table1[A] ),
    • kptaylor's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      HansVogelaar A sum of averages is not necessarily meaningless. Consider a pivot table that consists of nutrition data (such as calories) per meal. Meals (lunch, dinner) are the rows, and calories are the column. I would want to see my average calories per meal, but, for the Grand Total, I would want to see the sum of the averages to know what my average calories per day (across all meals) is.

      • kptaylor 

        OK, in that setup you can use it, since you have only one of each meal per day (unless you're a hobbit).
