Forum Discussion

Bayamount's avatar
Copper Contributor
Nov 26, 2024

Pivot many to many relationships

Hello all :) I'm a total newb at pivot tables and relationships on power pivot. I've watched a couple of videos and tried a few things but I still cannot get to where I want. If anyone  can help, it...
  • Kidd_Ip's avatar
    Nov 27, 2024

    Below are the simple steps, hope this help:


    1. Create a unique list of establishments
    2. Set up relationships
    3. Create a Pivot Table
    4. Adjust the Pivot Table

    Step by Step:


    • Unique Establishments Table:
      • In Excel, create a new sheet and paste all establishment names from both tables.
      • Use the "Remove Duplicates" feature to get a unique list.
    • Import Tables into Power Pivot:
      • Go to the Power Pivot tab and click on "Manage".
      • Import your earnings, expenses, and unique establishments tables.
    • Create Relationships:
      • In the Power Pivot window, go to the "Design" tab and click on "Create Relationship".
      • Create a relationship between the unique establishments table and the earnings table using the establishment name.
      • Create another relationship between the unique establishments table and the expenses table using the establishment name.
    • Build the Pivot Table:
      • Insert a Pivot Table from the Power Pivot window.
      • Drag the date field to the rows area.
      • Drag the amount earned field to the values area.
      • Drag the expenses field to the values area.
      • Drag the establishment name from the unique establishments table to the filters area.
