Forum Discussion

Beers Team's avatar
Beers Team
Copper Contributor
Jul 24, 2018

Need Macro that inserts Partial Row into excel (Not an entire Row)

Hi all,


I have a version of our team's spreadsheet attached here.


I've learned how to use a macro to add a new row, but the problem is, it adds an ENTIRE row and i only want to insert a row between columns "M" and "AF" (on the "Pending" half of the sheet) 


Is this possible? Can someone help me?


Thanks so much!

  • Tanya Armitage's avatar
    Tanya Armitage
    Copper Contributor

    You can highlight where you want the row to be inserted, right click and select insert then choose shift cells down. 

  • Lorenzo Kim's avatar
    Lorenzo Kim
    Bronze Contributor

    if there are data after the designated row to insert -  you might have to copy down one cell those data.

    example: row to insert = row (M)40

     LastRow = Cells(Rows.Count, "M").End(xlUp).Row

     range("M40:AF" & Lastrow).copy





    I didn't use CUT - as sometime queer things happens

    try this out in a different workbook - just in case.




    • Lorenzo Kim's avatar
      Lorenzo Kim
      Bronze Contributor
      a shorter version:
      LastRow = Cells(Rows.Count, "M").End(xlUp).Row
      Range("M40:AF" & Lastrow).copy Range("M41")

      or you may try:
      LastRow = Cells(Rows.Count, "M").End(xlUp).Row
      Range("M40:AF" & Lastrow).Cut Range("M41")
