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Jo McCarthy's avatar
Jo McCarthy
Copper Contributor
Jul 05, 2018

Macros Help Please! I need to delete one word in a cell

Hello from a Macro newbie! 

I have 3 columns: 

A - Description 

B - Number of items (e.g.: 6,000 items) 

C - Modified date 


I would like to use a macro (rather than Find + Replace) to delete the word "items" from column B. I have over 25 spreadsheets hence the need for a macro. 


My macro name is 'RemoveWordItem'. 


I am sure it's simple, yet I can't seem to figure it out...


Any ideas?! 


Many thanks, Jo 






Rather than using Find + Replace, I would like to use a macro to delete the word

  • JKPieterse's avatar
    Silver Contributor

    This macro does the trick (assuming the files are in a single folder and the items to replace are in a single sheet in each workbook):

    Sub RemoveWordItem()
        Dim lCount As Long
        Dim vFileName As Variant
        Dim sPath As String
        Dim lFilecount As Long
        sPath = "c:\windows\temp\"
        ChDrive sPath
        ChDir sPath
        vFileName = Application.GetOpenFilename("Microsoft Excel files (*.xls*),*.xls*", , "Please select the file(s) to open", , True)
        If TypeName(vFileName) = "Boolean" Then Exit Sub
        For lCount = LBound(vFileName) To UBound(vFileName)
            ProcessFile CStr(vFileName(lCount))
    End Sub
    Sub ProcessFile(sFileName As String)
        Dim oSh As Worksheet
        Workbooks.Open sFileName
        With ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("YourSHeetNameGoesHere")
            .Range("B:B").Replace What:="items", Replacement:="", LookAt:=xlPart, _
                                  SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False, _
        End With
        ActiveWorkbook.Close True
    End Sub

    Make sure you enter the right sheet name instead of "YourSHeetNameGoesHere"

    • Jo McCarthy's avatar
      Jo McCarthy
      Copper Contributor

      Hi Jan


      I am grateful for your suggestion but it didn't work :-(


      I have been trying to use a 'find and replace' type solution within the macro.

      Sub itemReplace()
      ' RemoveWordItem Macro
      ' Remove the words 'item' and 'items' from column B so that only the number remains.
      'Variable created which is good practice but not necessary the key here is the wild card *.

      Dim itemReplace As String

      itemReplace = "item*"

      ' You can choose however many columns you want from a to zz if you so desire.


          'itemReplace in the following line is a variable create from the text above.

          Selection.Replace What:=itemReplace, Replacement:=" ", LookAt:=xlPart, _

              SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False, _


      End Sub


      this isn't working either!


      Any ideas?

      • JKPieterse's avatar
        Silver Contributor
        What do you mean by "it isn't working" exactly?
